Turnkey Rentals or Multifamily Syndications: Which is More Passive in Managing the Bookkeeping & Finances?

Both turnkey single-family rentals and multifamily syndications are great strategies for the real estate investor who wants to be passive.  Both can mitigate the risks of owning real estate long-distance and provide healthy returns without requiring investors to be landlords.  A closer look, however, reveals certain features in which multifamily syndications can be a more…

5 Must Read Books from the Forbes Real Estate Council “Essential” List

The Forbes Real Estate Council Expert Panel recently listed 15 books their members believe are essential when starting out in real estate investing. You can find the entire article here https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesrealestatecouncil/2019/11/04/15-essential-books-to-read-before-starting-in-real-estate/#165c8132c021 Listed below are my top five from that list.  The ones which, in my experience, are a “must read” for every aspiring real estate…